Tuesday 17 May 2016

1. Bogotá, Colombia

Inside is the Muisca Raft (Balsa Muisca), a pre-Columbian object displayed at the Gold Museum. The Muisca are the original inhabitants of Bogotá. In Muisca culture the zipa (chief) would ceremonially dive off a raft, covered head to toe in gold dust as an offering to the gods. This ritual inspired the legend of El Dorado, which in turn gave its name to Bogotá's airport, El Dorado International.


  1. An interesting story behind that globe... - thank you!^^

  2. where can i get one of these?

    1. I got mine from a market opposite the Bogotá Gold Museum. You could try e-mailing Britt Shop Colombia (aperilla@britt.com) - their airport store had some nice snow globes. It's where I got my other Colombian one: https://80shakes.blogspot.com/2016/06/35-colombia.html . Good luck!
